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Here Are Seven Permaculture Gardening Projects That Are Beginner-friendly


Updated: Jul 17, 2024

We have decided to remove ourselves from the ever-growing carbon footprint of modern society, which is a result of our desire for convenience. We have discovered that our need for convenience often results in increased consumption and waste. We often sacrifice quality and taste as a result. Our goal is to live a self-reliant life, which often goes hand in hand with making environmentally conscious choices.

Are we beginning to wonder if it's worth it?

More people are rejecting disposable fashion in favor of making or repairing their clothing. Target this season is offering disposable fashions, and more people are opting to make or mend their clothes instead.

In addition to the resurgence of forgotten skills, there is a growing desire to live in harmony with nature, correcting the damage we have done. Permaculture is the solution. Permaculture, a branch of landscape design, has been growing in popularity since the 1970s when Australian researcher Bill Mollison created it.

What is the definition of Permaculture?

On the most basic level, Permaculture is a design method that benefits the environment and the community in addition to yourself. According to the Permaculture Research Institute, Permaculture is a 'design framework for ecological and sustainable living that includes plants, animals, structures, people, and community.' This design approach can create cities, including your backyard garden.

Permaculture is starting to become a hot term as it applies to gardening. Before ten years ago, most people were unfamiliar with Permaculture. It has developed to be one of the most well-known landscaping methods.

It makes sense to work with your land and its natural systems rather than against them.

It's scary. Where should you begin? Which piece of the puzzle should you alter first? How do you even recognize what nature's routine looks like in your backyard? When it comes to the homestead, you must proceed cautiously. Research and become familiar with one task or new ability before you move on to the next.

Getting started with Permaculture is equally simple. Here are seven simple and beginner-friendly permaculture projects to get you started.

1. Recording a garden's progress in a journal or planner is a good idea.

Before diving in and developing huge plans, you must familiarize yourself with your property. There are so many natural systems and processes occurring before our eyes that we fail to see, even if we have lived there our entire lives. Notice is a terrific place to begin your permaculture gardening journey.

Before you can design a natural system, you must first understand the natural order of your land. Be sure to take note of exactly how the sun moves across your property. What areas consistently stay in the shade? Are there any areas where the wind is mighty? What is the average amount of rain in your area? Are you aware of any native wildlife in your backyard, and when and where they are most likely to appear? It may take a long time to determine, even a year's worth of journaling and recording.

2. No-dig gardening is how to get started.

Commercial farming practices have contaminated family vegetable patches for far too long. The belief that bigger is better has spread from big-time agriculture into family vegetable patches. Huge, freshly tilled soil rectangles planted with straight rows of one vegetable become the norm. Gardens have lost their natural character and become carbon copies of their commercial counterparts.

What a waste of water and growing space!

It has only recently been realized that many of the practices used in commercial agriculture are not only unnecessary but harmful to the home gardener. Tillage, for example, is one such technique. Each season, till the soil to prepare it for planting, and then do it again at the end of the season. This practice is detrimental to soil and beneficial microbes due to its detrimental effect.

You may want to consider creating a no-dig garden, even if you have dug the soil yearly.

In addition to feeding the soil organisms, using a nourishing cover of compost will help your garden thrive (By starting over with a compost cover, the organisms below the soil will be able to repopulate. You won't have to endure backbreaking work working the soil because you won't need to endure it.

As your soil improves with your no-dig garden each year, you'll notice fewer weeds and better yields. A no-dig garden also holds water better, so your garden requires less frequent watering, which will help it in times of extreme heat.

3. Why not give up on maintaining a lawn and creating a wildflower meadow instead?

The simplest solution is often the hardest to put into practice. We've grown so accustomed to having a lawn that giving it up seems unattainable. While you may agree that an ecosystem of wildflowers would benefit the environment, giving up that green space might be complex. What will the neighbors think? Will the kids be able to play soccer? Am I welcoming snakes, pests, and other creatures that eat our gardens?

Nearly 40% of all insects are being rapidly wiped out.

It's a big step, so start small. With a decision like this, what the neighbors think becomes less significant. For example, you might be interested in establishing a wildflower meadow in the bottom third of your yard. That would still be a significant move and would have an enormous impact on local insect populations, particularly pollinator species.

During the warmer months, you may grow accustomed to the magnificent bouquets of wildflowers adorning your home. You may allow that buzzing, humming meadow to draw nearer and nearer to your doorstep each year. As a parent, I can tell you that there is nothing better than a bunch of wildflowers collected by your children just for you.

4. Vegetable gardens in the front yard can help maximize the space.

A key aspect of permaculture gardening is striving to maximize the amount of food grown on your land. Many of us have a large, empty green area in front of our houses. We, therefore, focus on the front yard. Instead of marigolds lining the walkway to your door, how about blueberry bushes? Boxwoods beneath the windows could be removed and blueberries planted in their place, for example.

You don't have to sacrifice beauty for utility when you turn your front yard into a vegetable patch.

Are there any spots in your existing flower beds where you could plant beet seeds? Why not plant colorful kale among your flowers? Many vegetable plants look great when planted among the flowers. You'll be able to increase your food production without needing more space.

5. Rainwater can be saved to save water.

Your wildflower meadow conserves potable water so that you can use your rainwater for various tasks. It may not be potable, but you can use it for many things potable water is commonly used for in your garden. You may notice that your clothes come out extra gentle if you wash them in rainwater, which I've experienced firsthand. You can wash your car with no qualms as a result of this. Instead of using potable water in your meadow, why not install a rainwater collection system?

How much water can you collect? Is it worth the effort?

A proper inquiry, to be sure. Theoretically, 1 inch of rain over a 1,000-square-foot roof produces 623 gallons of water. Even with wind or overhanging trees reducing the amount, it's still nothing to sniff at. You might wash your dog hundreds of times with 623 gallons of water.

6. A worm bucket can help you reduce kitchen waste.

A large amount of organic material in landfills could be composted, accounting for one out of every five tons. Start a worm bucket if you want an easy and quick route into Permaculture. Besides processing your kitchen scraps, worm castings will be produced for your garden and houseplants. Worm castings, a natural byproduct known as black gold, are enormously beneficial for your plants and home. You can learn more about worm castings here.

Creating a worm bucket or worm tower is simple and inexpensive. It'll take about 20 minutes from start to finish, whether you already have everything you need or not. You may already have everything you need to construct one sitting in a messy corner of your garage, or you can efficiently finish this task for around $15 if you don't.

7. Create a community produce share program.

One of the most significant parts of Permaculture is including the community in your designs. As you grow your produce and enjoy the pretty flowers in your yard, don't forget to include your neighbors. A community may refer to as few as your adjacent neighbors or as many as your entire neighborhood. Make a date and location each week to bring more vegetables, mason jars full of wildflowers, and more eggs from your chickens, and share and trade with neighbors. Bring whatever you don't want and exchange it with your neighbors if you don't need it.

Your zucchini can become infested with squash bugs, causing your tomato glut to dwindle. Still, your neighbor may be losing tomatoes to blossom end rot across the street due to zucchini proliferation. You may choose to expand your regular get-togethers to include a swap. Bartering is a long-standing custom that can be renewed through these small community gatherings. You may have a clothes dryer that requires a new belt, and your neighbor may be able to assist you with that.

It is better to share and help one another by avoiding wasted material rather than wasting excess material. Start small, so you are not overwhelmed.

Attempting something bigger and failing is less likely to lead to growth than achieving a small success.

These simple projects have made Permaculture a less intimidating and more realizable way of life. Having accomplished one or two of them, you will be well on putting your permaculture thoughts into practice.

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